5. "What say you now, gentleman," says Federal Judge Justin Beach in Bad Company while looking at a picture of fellow judges just before riding the bullet.
4. "MMMMMMMMRRRFFFFFF!" says Gene Simmons just before the grenade Rutger Hauer taped to his mouth goes off in Wanted: Dead or Alive.
3. "What's that smell?" says Fight Club's Tyler Durden before blowing a smoke ring and right after alter ago "Jack" eats a bullet.
2. "You just shat in the one apple pie that knows how to shit back," says self-proclaimed tough guy Hank in Club Dread before promptly getting sliced open.
1. "We die" says Lord Kril from The Last Starfighter, when asked the insipid question: "What do we do?" when about to collide with a moon. In the pregnant pause before these words, Krill's cool little wrap around orange-shaded monocle slides into place.
Five Worst Movie Final Words
5. "Diplomatic immunity" says antagonist Arjen Rudd in Lethal Weapon 2 before Danny Glover puts a bullet between his eyes.
4. "Okay" says Matt Damon in The Departed when coming home to find a CSI-be-damned Mark Walhberg wrapped in plastic and holding a silenced gun.
3. "Fajajrualladuwla!" yells Tom Cruise in Valkyrie before being gunned down by a firing squad. The only thing I can figure is that he finally broke back into German and he was saying: "Please don't shoot!"
2. "But" and "I" say the twins aptly named Igg and Ook in Hudson Hawk before being shot by Sandra Friggin' Bernhard for failing their mission.
1. "But this is my home" says patriarch Jim Dahlberg in The Day After when confronting a roaming family settled on his land, who promptly shot him in the gut. Apparently this guy figured that after a full-scale nuclear holocaust people should still abide by property rights. Good thinkin'.
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