So what are some staples of a cute movie:
1. Happy endings, check. It's Disney, so you know it uses the very typical (but harmless) norm, storm, warm formula.
2. Comedy, check. There are a couple of good laughs in Chihuahua, though the humans are - as is typical in animal movies - little more than extras.
3. Good pace, check. This I would argue is most important because what cute movies lack in story and depth should be made up in pace, and not necessarily action. Chihuahua has some slow moments and very transparent scenes, but few scenes that last uncomfortable seconds beyond when they should have ended - the third-rail for cute movies.
4. Not too much tragedy, check. Cute movies shouldn't have so much gloom and then only have everyone happy in the denouement. Evident in complete downer flicks such as Rookie of the Year and Curly Sue, having too much conflict makes any happy ending only mildly cathartic and doesn't' wash away the gloom of an entire film. Chihuahua only takes itself somewhat seriously, and so avoids too much of the inevitable down cycle.
So, while I'm sure reviews at large put Chihuahua right up there with The Real Cancun so far as cinematic quality, just relax and understand that it's a cute Disney flick meant to entertain and garner a chuckle or two.
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