While I found Jones' 9/11 stuff half interesting, half complete reaching, it and Deception have some notable qualities that your average viewer might like:
1. The films are very well put together. The editing, sound, and especially the graphics are top notch. I'm not sure if it's the same guy putting together all of them, but they are excellently crafted.
2. It's abnormal. We're in a society where 24/7 news can have you all caught up after a month-long news fast in about an hour. However, it's largely the same types of stories on the same subject matters. No matter what you might think of the infowars stuff, at least it's different.
3. It makes no apologies. These films seem to communicate the message of: "I may have been way off the mark 99 times, but if I'm right that one time in a 100, you're gonna wish you'd listened," which is very different from mainstream media. Sure mainstream media is full of crap most of the time, too, but it's not really trying to connect the dots to make a big picture, but just kind of taking this hands-off, we're just here to give you info sort of stance.
While many documentaries end up getting bogged down in repetition and the majesty where's off after about an hour, most of Jones' stuff is about 2 hours long, and is genuinely interesting the whole time. While I'm not sold to the point of molding an aluminum skull cap or checking the skies for black helicopters, some of the things he covers about global warming and the Fed warrant further investigation and are pretty insightful.
So, embrace your inner paranoia and check out The Obama Deception on DVD, no matter how you feel about Jones or Obama. At the very least, you'll be entertained and informed by something other than your typical media.
FYI, Philip is a fan of Alex Jones, also not to the point of fanaticism, but willing to concede that there might be something to what he says. You guys should chat :)