Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nine Hollywood Tropes Moviegoers Loathe: Part Four

Ill computer tricks with a couple of keyboard strokes

Alright, in the ‘80s it was one thing to pull "computer magic," back when the most we had was a Vic 20 or the TI that was lucky to play text-based adventure games. You could have Wyatt from Weird Science somehow endow Kelly LaBrock with Einstein’s brain just by putting a magazine cutout of him into the computer. It was a montage, so who knows what kind of ingenious programming they were doing in the interim.

But when I saw that toolbag Gilbert I’m-too-good-for-a-sequel from Revenge of the Nerds making a likeness of him and his nerdy/hot girlfriend pop on screen with a few keystrokes, I’m callin’ BS. I get that he’s a nerd, but what the hell was I suppose to believe he typed in? T-i-r-e-d o-f h-a-n-d-j-o-b-s. N-e-e-d t-o g-e-t l-a-i-d.

And while I actually like The Transporter series, when his French sub-rosa partner gets nothing more than a pic of the bad guy and suddenly finds his file in the time it took him to eat a crepe, I’m hanging my head and laughing. And how the hell did Frank even know where to send the photo?

In a world where Microsoft makes sure that a brand new computer has a 50/50 chance of working with that new printer you bought, and your music is only your music with an approved, updated, and verified player, I’m supposed to believe that stuff works as seamlessly as a Mac in Hollywoodland?

Let’s not even talk about the asinine hacking business of alternate universes like in Hackers, where seemingly everything from your friggin' microwave to your girlfriend’s bra strap is somehow controlled via computer.

We’re a little computer-literate by now, so how about telling it like it is?

Check out Nine Hollywood Tropes Moviegoers Loathe: Part Three

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